Spin - a usually ingenious twist (1) : a special point of view, emphasis, or intepretation presented for the purpose of influencing opinion
Medium - The New Paper
Wed, 17 Oct 2007
('Try your luck at the lottery with him", Pg 27)
From my perspective, the article is an advertising news coverage with snippets of his (David Copperfield) upcoming 'World of Wonder' tour. This article attracts consumers who are obsessed with striking rich by means of gambling, and in this case, through the purchase of lucky numbers, 4D/Toto. This article contains his attractive magic showcases of predicting lucky numbers together with him during his live tour. Hence, the 'spin' I spotted is that this article touches on the consumers desires and hence, the increment of the consumers spending power and dollars. The ironic twist is that, on Sunday's new paper headline, it states that his tour may be cancelled due to alleged sexual minconduct on a seattle woman so the tour may be cancelled.
Thurs, 18 Oct 2007
(Why Won't Victor Tank?, Pg 26)
This badly thought pun for the title is for an article of a finalist the low rated show 'live the dream', which attracted only half of the viewing power of Singapore Idol 2. This article contains a 'spin' as it attracts the desire of audiences to watch the finals to witness for themselves at how bad this finalist is as he's not handsome, does not contain a dash of X-factor and neither can he sing so hopefully, the ratings will go up and also the number of viewers.
Friday, 19 Oct 2007
(Rugby star races cheetah, Pg 24)
Springbok's winger Bryan Habana, is featured in the article for his charity run against a 2-year old female cheetah. This article is a teaser or hype news to atract viewers to the Rugby World Cup 2007 finals at the Stade de France against the english. My personal view is that I was attracted to watch and I would have to say that this article is a 'spun' fact because he performed so well on the pitch and his speed is sub-human like with his clocked speed of under 11s for 100m.
Saturday, 20 Oct 2007
(EPL Betting, pg 58-63)
Betting tips is already a 'spin' by itself. This whole chunk of waste is to attract soccer betting addicts to BET. The twist is that the predicted results are usually far from the final results. For example, they predicted the giants Manchester United to draw with Aston Villa when Manchester United actually triumphed past the opposition with a 4-1 victory. The hyped-up Merseyside derby ended up with Liverpool's win of 2-1 against the predicted 1-1. Poor betting-holics.
Sunday, 21 Oct 2007
(Going the distance in love and marriage/A tough balancing act, pg 22-23)
This two articles are foccusing on married couple overcoming the odds of triathlon as a hobby. The articles presents the idea of ideal married couples who understands each others confined space, participate in their hobbies to build a healthy family. The hidden twist is the publisher's little twist of pushing family orientation to attract workaholic Singapore to settle down with a partner and to build families and replenish the youth in Singapore's modern day shortage of babies for the future generations.
Conclusively, the articles on the weekdays focusses more on the current affairs, tv programmes as people are speculated to stay home and rest in front of the TV after a hard day and some featured food for lunch to 'fight the crowds for cheap, tasty fare'. In contrast to the weekend papers which features the themed news coverage of 'My Friday', His and Her Saturday and 'Our Sunday'. So I gathered from the theme 'My friday', it features the night life, hot hangouts and movie listings for you to enjoy after a whole week. Saturdays you have featured male or female featuring their respective abilities like baking (His Saturday, The New Paper, 20 Oct 2007, Pg 24-25) or a whole section about motorcycle automobile with the section reported by 'biker boy' to feed the male obsession with fast moving race machines on two wheels. Sundays suggest it's family day! with the theme 'Our Sunday'. Sundays would usually feature family activities, stories of happy families, just for bonding purposes.